financial advice, retirement planning, investment advice, investing for beginners, investing basics, investment advice

Grow Your Own Money Tree!

This 45-minute audio CD helps you plan for your future with easy to understand power strategies for financial success!

A few of the topics covered in the 10 Power Strategies are:

  • Why people fail financially and how you can avoid their mistakes
  • How to build a winning financial plan
  • The importance of eliminating credit card debt
  • An explanation of mutual funds and their charges
  • An explanation and examples of how inflation affects your investments
  • An explanation and examples of the power of compound interest and dollar cost averaging
  • How to harness the power of tax deferred growth... and much more!


Listen to an excerpt


"A disciplined, methodology to put you on the fast track for

success! David's Power Principles are a must

for everyone who wants to succeed."

Louis G. Navellier

Chairman and founder of Navellier & Associates, Inc.

and the Navellier family of funds


"One of the best new products in the industry today, from a very knowledgeable and motivating individual!"

Jason Fohr

Regional vice president, IDEX Mutual Funds

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